
As if mesmerized we are drawn to styles and symbolic objects without a conscious thought.
Inspiring images stimulate and circulate throughout our minds, initiating our own sense of style and expression of self.
This is my attempt to collect and contain these visions that excite and arouse my creativity.
Maybe you will fall in love also and a new meaning will be triggered for you.

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Vogue - Fantastic Issue


Please click and enlarge them because the detail of these illustrations is so beautiful.

David Roemer

Magnetica Emily.
Photography by .
Model: .
Magazine: , October 2010.


elise crombez

Vogue Turkey
elise crombez

Camilla Akrans

Photography by .
Numéro, #117, October 2010

Photography by .
Numéro, #117, October 2010

Mario Testino

Photography: Mario Testino
Styling: Sarajane Hoare

Street artist: Vexta

Emma Whiffen-
Her images favour strong, simple, high impact messages and a utilitarian aesthetic borrowed from graphic conventions. Ideas of the everyday, urban icons and pop culture, as well as her own personal symbolism, are explored in her creations. Poignant, enchanting and sometimes ominous, Vexta’s work attempts to comment on the social and political climates of our world.
Her practice is mediated by wit and whimsy – qualities that imbue her images with relevance and enable the audience to engage with her content. For those that view street art as a barometer of a city’s cultural and social awareness, Vexta’s unsanctioned handiwork truly expresses the rumblings of its people by creating a public discourse that captures the imagination of locals and tourists alike.

want to know more?

Geometry Class

Ruffles and Frills